AGP Arms Harris Bipod Mount for AGP Handguard Designed for Ruger 10/22 Takedown®
If you have purchased AGP's molded hanguard for the Ruger 10/22 Takedown® and you would like to mount a bipod, here is the solution. The front end of the handguard comes with a QD socket that gets removed and replaced with this kit.
This kit does not include a bipod or handguard, it only includes the parts to mount a Harris style bipod.
Adapter for bipod mount for Ruger 10/22
Hey I’d give this 6 stars if I could. At first I thought it was the wrong size! Too large it seemed. No it’s perfectly machined with a taper to fit tightly in the mounting hole. What great quality and workmanship. I’d definitely buy more from this company.
Bipod mount that fits into the forstock:
The mount was the proper one but it wouldn't fit into the forsook so I used a dremmel tool and sanded the inside of hole a little bit and then it fit right into the forsook no problem. Didn't have to sand .much to get it to fit. I'm happy with the product
Works beautifully
Easy installation, excellent fit and quality.
AGP Arms Harris Bipod Mount for AGP Handguard Designed for Ruger 10/22 Takedown®
Although it came with no instructions, I was able to figure it out well enough to install and also use the Charger's original bipod. this was my intent all along and it worked out great! Didn't even have to do any cutting or milling. Happy camper!
22 Charger Takedown Chassis
I bought the complete chassis which include the handrail, base and brace. The Chassis is very well made and much more substantial then the one that comes from Ruger. The barrel and upper and lower fit very snuggly and it looks great. The takedown model I have has a 10” barrel. The hand guard is longer and fits the longer barrel. It fits great in your hand as well. The handrail comes with 2 Picatinny rails for mounting on the sides. Each one attaches with 2 screws so you have the option to mount them or not. It also has a built in the place for a Bi-Pod if you choose to install one. You will need to order a part from AGP to mount the Bi-Pod. It takes no more than five minutes with a screw driver to install The magic of the chassis is in the Folding Brace. First the Brace is adjustable out to the 13 1/2 limit as per Federal Law. The Brace is the tail hook model. Folding is a simple affair. Just push a button and fold the brace. When folded the barrel there is a built in holder to hold the barrel making it a nice small package. If you want to use a Silencer the buffer tube can accommodate one that is up to 6” long and 1” OD. AGP makes a plug a that you push on the buffer tube to secure the silencer or what ever else you want to put there. The brace can be deployed with the plug in. All in all a great product in every respect. It looks fa better then the original chassis from Ruger. With the Brace you have a very capable weapon.
Harris type bipod mount.
Item arrived as expected. Installation was simple. My problem was that I wanted to use the bipod set that came with the Charger. After looking at it I made a special spacer to take up the play under the clamping nut and the bipod. That done noticed there is no rib at the back of the bipod so it sits at a slight angle, but nut gets tight so you don’t really notice. Once you have the bipod legs in the up position it all blends together. Will take to range to test, I now know what a Harris type mount is.
If you are trying to mount a bipod on the AGP Arms forearm, this is the mount to use
I ordered this part for the AGP Arms forearm on my Ruger 10-22 Takedown. I didn't want to mount a bipod to the rail on the side of the forearm and I couldn't find any other options. The mount installed very easily with an allen wrench, not much to this step. I was glad to find that Amazon has several good options for Harris style bipods so I ordered one from them. I was pleasantly surprised on how easy it installs and how solid it locks up to the rifle. It also provides a nice clean minimalist look that prompted me to remove the unused side rails I have mounted on the forearm. The mount and bipod are very stable while shooting and I can't tell the difference between this setup and a rail mounted bipod. Overall, this is a great mount that I strongly recommend for easy install, minimalist in function and style, and durability.